Keep it organised

Posted at: September 3, 2017

The times that a photographer had one camera, one lens, a few film rolls and a single lens hood are over. The list of things you need is endless. The internet is full of ’10 most important things for…

All you need…

And we don’t argue about what you might need. All we know is that every photographer has his secret boxes that are filled with cables, more cables, filters, more filters, lens caps (including the lens caps lost by other photographers) filter rings, tripod screws, blowers, memory cards (even the 256MB card that came with your first digital camera).

And MrJanGear has a solution

And if you are like most of us: you bought some of these handy transparent boxes to keep things organised. Maybe you put even some labels on it. But when you are on the road things get messed up. Where is that USB cable? Did I forget my cable release? And even the *&@*! my battery is dead – where is the spare one?

That is why we don’t have a special small pocket for a memory card, a pocket for filters and a part where you can dump your spare batteries. We supply every MrJanGear photo backpack with a set of 5 pouches with a transparent front and a velcro back. If you don’t need the content, leave it at home. If you need it, stick it in your backpack and you are ready to go.

Which one do you prefer: left or right?

2 small and 3 big pouches are with every backpack, but you can order more if you like. And since you have those nice boxes: you can still use them to keep everything together.

More about the Boris Photo backpack

More about the Bertik Photobackpack

And how about your lenses?

MrJanGear Lens Pouch

More or less the same story is about the lens pouches – but these are not standard. You will find them in the shop. These velcro-bottom lens pouches are the most effective way to keep your bag organised. The lenses will sit neatly and protected on the shelf and when you pack for a trip you can grab them and stick them within seconds to the bottom of your backpack – ready for take-off.

Have a look at the KlingOn Lens Pouches

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