Floating Hide 3 Combo

(4 customer reviews)


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Inflatable floating hides allow you to explore the lakes and ponds in a unique way, giving you a close look at the waterfowl. Photographing the subject up close without disturbing it results in very intimate images.

After developing two versions of the hide, we further refined our ideas. We based this third-generation floating hide on the best features of version 2, but we made it lighter and changed the assembly. No more screws are needed; everything fits together.  

In short, these features were improved:

  • It’s lighter and smaller, for maximum portability
  • It has an even lower mounting plate
  • It’s very compact for travel 
  • It remains as stable, sturdy, and reliable as the earlier versions

Using another production system saved us a lot of time in assembling the parts, and allowed us to give the floats a lighter construction. We got the total weight down to 5.3 kg. You can easily attach all kinds of accessories to suit your needs for photographing in shallow water or deeper ponds. Read more on our Floating Hide FAQ page.

The set comes in a bag.

Included are: 2 inflatable tubes with a frame, an anti-splash system and a tent with poles.

In stock

Bundle with:

Air pump

A high volume air pump for floating hide.  5 liter per stroke. Quick inflating / deflating. Special valve used in rafts. It can also pump in reversed direction to quickly (and fully) deflate the floating hide which can be useful for packing.

Floating hide tent pole

1 tent pole 9 mm alluminium with endtips


Product Description


  • lighter and smaller, for maximum portability
  • lower mounting plate
  • equally compact for travel as the classic floating hide
  • as stable, sturdy and reliable as the original

Additional Information

Weight5 kg
Dimensions20 × 20 × 60 cm

4 reviews for Floating Hide 3 Combo

  1. Frédéric Do Ceu (verified owner)


    I’m a French photographer who’s been owing that floating hide V3 for more than a year. After reading the last review, I felt enticed to review that product based on my personal experience. First, it is true that you can be puzzled when it comes to assemble the floating hide for the first time, as there is no instruction whatsoever. But I eventually figured it out by looking at pics available on this page, even though some pics are based on a preceding iteration of that floating hide. I had to contact Jan for the required head’s hole but it was no problem drilling it. Contrary to the mistake I made at first, floats must not be inflated prior setting the whole thing up. Inflating is actually the last of all required tasks. Beside assembly, I understand that our appreciation can differ widely based on our vehicle. During the season, my floating hide remains mounted and fully inflated in the trunk of my car (Citroen C4, pretty much a normal car) or in my garage if I need to put backseats up for people transportation. I only disassemble the floating hide if and when I move away from my home. When I spent 3 weeks last year practicing two sessions a day in Portugal, I had of course to pack here and unpack once there and do it again when moving back in France. As for the use of the floating hide, I am a very happy customer, enjoying shooting from a very low level, the numerous windows fitted with magnets to open/close them, the ease to shoot in portrait orientation or in shallow water. The floating hide is pretty much light and handles come in very handy when a walk is required to reach water.

    As for the question in the last review concerning earlier ratings, one must understand that the floating hide goes in and out of stock, and that Jan processes with iterations when it comes to products proposed on the site, without necessarely changing the number of versions. As previously stated in the beginning of my review, I have been owning that V3 for more than a year, so I am not surprised by reviews published last year.

  2. Tomasz Pyjor (verified owner)

    Wczoraj próbowałem złożyć pływadło firmy MrJanGear, które przyszło do mnie kilka dni temu. Początkowo byłem mocno niezadowolony i rozczarowany. Pływadło przyszło bez instrukcji składania, na stronie internetowej też go nie było, zdjęcia ze strony nie pokazują tego modelu i pewne elementy jak fartuch w ogóle nie są tam pokazane. Próbowałem złożyć, ale nie siłowo, w końcu po długim czasie odpuściłem. Miałem kłopot np z tym, kiedy przypiąć fartuch bo rozparte pływaki były za daleko a do zamków był dostęp nie od spodu a z góry, czyli (nie wchodząc w szczegóły) brak było tego dostępu. Na szczęście okazało się, że tego samego dnia dostałem (słabą, ale zawsze to coś) instrukcję mailem. Dzisiaj znowu podszedłem. Zasada pierwsza- pływaki początkowo powinny być lekko napompowane. Otwór na głowicę trzeba wywiercić sobie samemu, więc pierwsze zapoznanie się z pływałem i rozłożenie nie może być w terenie.
    Po złożeniu zestaw ledwo mi się zmieścił w torbie. To oczywiście kwestia wprawy, ale myślę, że w terenie rozkładanie, składanie i pakowanie będzie zajmowało więcej czasu niż się wydaje. Reszta uwag i wskazówek na moim FB https://www.facebook.com/tomasz.pyjor/posts/pfbid02m4tQpjMdccifvXSNikK8VYWkazspkomcSjJ855f1EpQcyceT2kjZEdtLRCzF1n39l?comment_id=986715896059124&reply_comment_id=436836835879205&notif_id=1717947755923333&notif_t=comment_mention&ref=notif
    Przy okazji zastanawiam się skąd się wzięły oceny z marca skoro pływadło jest oferowane od czerwca?
    Yesterday I tried to assemble the MrJanGear floating hide 3 Combo, which arrived a few days ago. Initially, I was very dissatisfied and disappointed. The float came without assembly instructions, it was not available on the website either, the photos on the website do not show this model and some elements, such as the apron, are not shown there at all. I tried to fold it, but not by force, and after a long time I finally gave up. I had a problem, for example, with when to attach the apron because the open floats were too far away and the zippers were accessible not from the bottom but from the top, which means (without going into details) there was no access to them. Fortunately, it turned out that on the same day I received (very basic one, but still something) instructions by e-mail. Today I went up again. Rule one – floats should initially be slightly inflated. You have to drill the hole for the head yourself, so the first familiarization with the float and its disassembly cannot take place in the field.
    After assembling, the set barely fit in my bag. It’s a matter of practice, of course, but I think that in the field, unfolding, folding and packing will take more time than you think. The rest of the comments and tips on my Facebook. By the way, I wonder where the March ratings come from, since the hide has been offered since June?

  3. Mr Jan Gear

    Danish photographer Morten Hilmer uses the FH III Combo. This is what he says about our products: “I’m a fan of Jan’s gear for three reasons. First, I love that it’s made in Europe. Second, he doesn’t compromise on quality to make his products cheaper. And third, Jan uses the products and strives for perfection, constantly using photographers’ feedback to improve them. He’s very passionate about his brand.”

    Check out how he uses the Floating Hide III Combo in Denmark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fscvqcin4mY

  4. Piotr (verified owner)

    FH Combo 3 używam od kilku tygodni. Jestem pod wrażeniem jakości wykonania części pływającej, jak i namiotu maskującego. Na plus na pewno szybki i łatwy montaż i demontaż pływadełka, które bezproblemowo mieści się w bagażniku sedana czy samochodów segmentu B (nie rozmontowuję stelaża, wypuszczam tylko powietrze z pływaków). Zakupiłem także pompkę od MrJanGear, która nie jest najmniejsza, ale bardzo wydajna. Zawory na pływakach dobrze przemyślane i łatwe w obsłudze. Część maskująca także łatwa i szybka w montażu. Duża ilość okienek do obserwacji otoczenia, których “zasłonki” są mocowane na magnesy, więc są ciche przy otwieraniu i łatwe do zamocowania w pozycji otwartej. Pływaki posiadają uchwyty do przenoszenia pływadełka, co przydaje się podczas transportu w płytkiej wodzie, czy do miejsca docelowego. Zgodnie z opisem fabrycznym pływadełko jest lekkie. Po całkowitym złożeniu zajmuje niewiele miejsca. Montaż stelażu nie wymaga żadnych śrub itp., jedynie do zamocowania głowicy wymagana jest śruba motylkowa (dwie znajdują się w zestawie). Dodatkowo brak elementów metalowych (nie licząc motylka do mocowania głowicy) eliminuje korozję. Bardzo udana konstrukcja. Szczerze polecam!


    I have been using FH Combo 3 for several weeks. I am impressed by the quality of the floating part and the masking tent. On a plus, certainly quick and easy installation and disassembly of the hide, which is easily fit in the trunk of the sedan or segment B cars (I do not dismantle the frame, I only release air from tubes). I also bought a pump from MRJAngear, which is not the smallest, but very efficient. Valves on tubes well thought out and easy to use. The masking tent also easy and quick to assemble. A large number of windows to observe the environment, whose covers are eqipped with magnets, so they are quiet when opening and easy to attach in an open position. The tubes have handles for carrying a hide, which is useful during transport in shallow water or to the destination. According to the factory description, the hide is light. After complete assembly, it takes up little space. Installation of the hide frame does not require any screws, only a butterfly screw is needed to mount the head (two are included in the set). Lack of metal elements (except screw for the head) prevents corrosion and rust.
    I highly recommend FH Combo 3!

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    • 1x Floating Hide bag with logo

      2x Black tubes with inflatable floats

      4x Webbing mounting straps

      1x Splash cover

      1x Zipper pouch

      2x Tripod screw ¾

      2x Salt resistant neoprene O-ring

      1x Plastic reducer
4x Tube support plates
1x Plate for camera mounting
6x Alloy tubes (500 mm)


      1x Tent bag

      1x Tent

      2x Pre-curved aluminium tent poles