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mia photographing red throated divers

Spring bird photography – Mia Surakka

Apr 3, 2023 | 0 Comments

Just one year ago, Finnish photographer Mia Surakka was still running a company that designs and manufactures dance and gymnastics competition wear. Her business was increasingly demanding, leaving little opportunity to photograph her beloved birds. ‘More and more, I felt that photography – especially bird photography – was what I wanted to do full-time. So […]

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Yves Adams,Arctic photography,antarctic photography,northern photography,winter photography,extreme outdoors,extreme cold,nature photography,wildlife photography,landscapes

Yves Adams – Photography in sub-zero conditions

Feb 12, 2023 | 0 Comments

Born in the Belgian Valley of the Leie, Yves Adams always had a passion for wildlife, landscapes and photography. As a child, you’d see him bike along his hometown river with a camera, looking for rare birds and beautiful scenery. After studying landscape architecture, he worked for different nature associations, where he did research and guided […]

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waterfowl,floating hide,floating blind,floating hide photography,bird photography,john gerlach,mr jan gear

Wading the waters with John Gerlach

Nov 16, 2022 | 3 Comments

Are you a bird photographer and not yet into floating hides? Then you are missing out on all the fun, says waterfowl biologist and renowned photographer John Gerlach. As soon as the winter ice melts, you can find him in the Idaho lakes near Yellowstone Park. Getting more nature photographers into the water is a […]

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black and white,black and white photography,nature photography,landscape photography,amar guillen,wildlife photography

Amar Guillen – Mastering the art of black & white

Nov 2, 2022 | 0 Comments

Born and raised in Arras, a small village in northern France, Amar Guillen spent his childhood in the nearby woods, grasslands and meadows looking for animals. Holidays were for fishing in the marshes, and getting up early to watch the birds, muskrats and insects before sunrise quickly became a pleasure he associated with freedom. He bought his […]

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floating hide,floating hide photography,elizjum,poland,nature photography,wildlife photography,bird photography,lukasz boch,marcin baranowski

Elizjum – Capturing life in Paradise

Sep 17, 2022 | 0 Comments

In ancient Greece, the Elysian Fields represented the closest thing to heaven. It was a paradise where the most heroic and virtuous souls would reside after they died. But you don’t have to die to experience paradise, say Polish nature photographers Lukasz Boch and Marcin Baranowski. In fact, it’s often right around the corner. That’s […]

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